Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What is the purpose of your data?

We will use your email address to send you a confirmation of the purchase.

We collect automatically your IP address when you browse our site. We are able to learn more about your browser and operating system by collecting this information.

If you are adamant, we will send emails informing you of the newest products we offer, store openings as well as any other details.

Section 2: Consent

How do I best gain my permission?

When we request your personal details to process a payment or confirm your credit card details in order to carry out an online secure transaction to arrange delivery or returns, to exchange products or to fulfill any other purpose, then you imply acceptance of their use and/or collection specifically for this purpose.

We\’ll request your permission directly, or offer you the opportunity to refuse when we ask for your data to serve a purpose that is not related for example, marketing.

Section 3: Disclosure

It is possible that you are required to share the personal details of your customers when required by law or as a result of you violating the terms of our services.


Our third-party partners which we use are only able to store and share data as necessary to perform the service.

The third-party providers of services (such as payment processors or gateways) may have specific privacy policies governing the data we need to give them so they can complete your transaction.

The privacy policies of every service provider to ensure you understand how they plan on using your information.

Be aware that some services may be located or operate facilities that are not within the jurisdiction you reside in or from which we operate from. In the scenario that you opt to make use of the services offered by a third party, it is possible that the data you provide is subject to local laws.


We employ all the reasonable measures to protect the personal data you provide.

The information you provide us is encoded with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and AES-256. Even though there are no 100-percent encrypted methods for transmission and storage still respect industry standards.


You confirm that, by using this site you have complied with the limitations on age in your state or province where you reside or have agreed to allow minors dependent on you gain access to this site.